Sunday, May 8, 2011


I feel so much more married
while housesitting, because
instead of a tiny one-bedroom
apartment, one cat, one car to share, 
we're responsible for the house 
(which is a four bedroom!), two
cars, so we don't have to share, 
two televisions with (GASP!)
cable, three full-sized dogs, 
and the two girls. It's like our 
future, except I hope when
our future happens, we can 
find the band-aids without a
twenty minute search for them.

But I love it. And while 
I can't wait for the future,
I do kind of love the present,
a lot. Life is being good to me.

1 comment:

  1. This post was really cute (:
    "..except I hope when our future happens, we find find the band-aids without a twenty minute search for them."
    Hehe that made me giggle (:

    I'm so happy that you're happy m'dear!
    It's such an awesome feeling when life is being good to you (:
