Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 3 of Leslie & Alexa's Three Day Challenge

What is your least favorite thing
about yourself & how do you plan
to turn it into something
you like about yourself?
I'm not a big fan of my overall fat to muscle ratio. I'm definitely more marshmallow than anything else. It's not some huge thing I'm going to become obsessed with the second I start losing fat / gaining muscle. However, I've been thinking a lot about my future and whatnot, and I don't want to die of a heart attack or something before my kids are grown. I don't want to get diabetes, or anything else that's obesity related.

So in order to make myself feel better about my future, and hopefully get a little bit more of a grip on my weight, I've been running or at least walking almost every day of the week, drinking water instead of sugary sodas and juices, eating nuts or fruit strips instead of candy, and eating healthier meals that involve less red meat (actually, I've been buying faux meat and adding that to recipes). To be honest, I would love to be a vegetarian one day, and I'm slowly working my way toward it.

Lastly, I've been taking a multi-vitamin every day, so I'm not missing out on most nutrients I really need.

What about you? Anything you don't like that you want to work on changing?

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